ZIM returns to the Australia market with the launch of the CAX in mid-October.
The first ultra-large LNG powered containerships of 23,100 teu and 14,800 teu were delivered in September.
Two more of HMM's 24k teu ships were delivered in August but the long awaited CMA CGM 23k teu ships were further delayed.
PACC will continue with its breakbulk/project cargo business after exit of feeder arm
ZIM will make a bid for its long-delayed initial public offering (IPO) after 3 previous unsuccessful attempts in 2008, 2011 and 2015.
Zim to launch new standalone transpacific express service
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9,578 teu ship from Maersk sets new containership scrapping record
The delivery dates of HMM's giant boxships will remain largely unchanged despite COVID-19