
PIL offers direct China Calcutta Service (CCS)

PIL has introduced a China Calcutta Service (CCS) connecting Xiamen, Shekou, Singapore, Kolkata, Singapore, Xiamen from 2 July 2024. The service turns in 3 weeks and deploys 3 geared ships of the KOTA R class - the 777 teu KOTA RATA and KOTA RUKUN, together with the 851 teu KOTA RAKYAT. The service currently provides the only direct connection between China and Kolkata.


IAL, PIL & SeaLead launch new China-Bangladesh (IBX/CCE/FBX) service

Interasia Lines (IAL), Pacific International Lines (PIL) and SeaLead will jointly launch a new China-Bangladesh service calling at Ningbo, Shanghai, Shekou, Chittagong, Ningbo from 31 August 2024. The service is branded respectively as the IAL Bangladesh Express (IBX) by IAL, China Chittagong Express (CCE) by PIL and Far East-Bangladesh (FBX) service by SeaLead. The IBX/CCE/FBX will turn in 4 weeks, with using 3 ships initially with 1 blank sailing in each cycle. The ships deployed are the 1,51


Evergreen/IAL/Jinjiang/PIL/RCL launch China-India service

Evergreen, IAL, Jinjiang Shipping. PIL, RCL will jointly launch a new China-India service calling at Shanghai, Ningbo, Nansha, Singapore, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Port Klang, Singapore, Shanghai from 30 May 2024. The service will replace the existing service operated by IAL, Jinjiang, PIL and RCL that is branded as the China-Saigon-India / China Vietnam India / RCL Far East Madras 2 (CSI / CVI / RFM2). The revised service will omit the existing southbound and northbound calls at Ho Chi Minh Cit


CMA CGM/CUL/ESL/GFS/KMTC/RCL expands Vietnam/Thailand-India-ME Gulf service

6 carriers are teaming up to expand their current Vietnam/Thailand-India-Middle East Gulf service into an extended butterfly service that will offer 2 separate loops connecting the following ports: * Loop 1 : Laem Chabang, Singapore, Port Klang, Nhava Sheva, Jebel Ali, Dammam, Nhava Sheva, Port Klang, Cai Mep * Loop 2 : Cai Mep, Jakarta, Port Klang, Mundra, Jebel Ali, Dammam, Mundra, Port Klang, Laem Chabang 6 carriers (CMA CGM, China United Lines (CUL), Emirates Shipping Line (ESL),


Asia-East Coast South America capacity upgrade scheduled in May 2024

6 carriers on the Asia-East Coast South America trade (CMA CGM, COSCO, OOCL, Evergreen, PIL and Yang Ming) will upgrade their 2 existing strings from May 2024, with average weekly capacity to rise from 21,300 teu to 24,000 teu. The first string branded as SEAS2/ESA2/TLA2/ESA3/SSA/SA5 by CMA CGM, COSCO, OOCL, Evergreen, PIL and Yang Ming respectively will call at Xingang, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Paranagua, Itapoa, Navegantes, Santos, Colombo, Singapo


Evergreen, PIL, CUL and RCL jointly launch China India service

Evergreen has teamed up with PIL, CUL and RCL to launch a new China-India service that will call Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Singapore, Port Klang Westport, Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Karachi, Port Klang Westport, Singapore, Haiphong, Shanghai using 6 ships of 2,700-5,400 teu on a 42-days round trip. The service will be branded as the China-India Express 4 (CIX4) by Evergreen, China-Subcontinent Express (CSE) by PIL, China India III (CIS) by CUL and RCL China West Asia (RWA) by RCL. The service will


PIL launch IR2 service to Yemen

PIL will launch a new Intra-Red Sea Feeder 2 (IR2) service connecting Djibouti, Hodeidah, Djibouti from 29 June 2023 using the 938 teu KOTA RAHMAT. The service complement the Intra-Red Sea Feeder 3 (IR3) service that calls at Djibout, Aden, Djibouti using the 1,802 KOTA HASRAT as part of PIL's moves to broaden its presence in Yemen.


Namsung, ONE, PIL & TSL team up to launch Korea-China-Straits (NFS/KC2/KCS/KMV2) service

Namsung, ONE, PIL and TS Lines are coming together to launch a new Korea-China-Straits service starting from 6 July 2023. The new service will call at Busan, Kwangyang, Shanghai, Shekou, Singapore, Port Klang, Penang, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Nansha, Busan using 4 ships of 2,000-2,900 teu, with each partner to deploy one ship each. The service will be branded respectively as the New Far East Straits (NFS) by Namsung, Korea China Straits 2 (KC2) by ONE, Korea-China-Straits (KCS) by PIL and


ASL, CUL & PIL launch South China Vietnam Philippines service

ASEAN Seas Line (ASL), China United Lines (CUL) and Pacific International Lines (PIL) have teamed up to launch a new jointly operated Intra-Asia service calling at Shekou, Nansha, Xiamen, Manila North, Subic Bay, Xiamen, Shekou, Nansha, Ho Chi Minh City, Shekou. The new service is branded respectively by ASL, CUL and PIL as the South China Vietnam Philippines service (SVP), South China Philippines Service (SP1) and China Philippines Vietnam (CPV). It turns in 3 weeks using 3 ships of 1,000-1,2


PIL & Samudera launch joint Belawan-Singapore-Bangkok service

PIL and Samudera have teamed up to launch a joint Belawan-Singapore-Bangkok service from 11 May 2023. The butterfly service turns in 2 weeks using the 1,080 teu KOTA HANDAL from PIL  and the 1,141 teu ALS SUMIRE from Samudera that will call alternately on the Singapore, Belawan, Singapore leg (branded as SMS by PIL and BLW by Samudera) and Singapore, Bangkok, Singapore leg  (branded as BK1 by PIL and BKK by Samudera).

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