
ONE reported earnings growth in 2Q 2024

ONE EBIT nearly doubled YoY and tripled QoQ in 2Q 2024 on reduction of unit costs despite sub-market freight rates hike achieved. ONE’s unit revenue (total revenue over total volume) was up only 1% YoY and 4% QoQ against CCFI’s 53% YoY and 12 % QoQ. ONE lifted FY2024 earning guidance from $1.0bn to $2.7bn, with earnings expected to nearly double QoQ to $1.5bn in 2Q FY2024 (Jul-Sep) before dropping in 2H FY2024 by 78% HoH.


ONE and HMM launch Asia Latin America 4 Express/Far East-Latin America Express (ALX4/FLX)

ONE and HMM will launch a new Asia Latin America 4 Express (ALX4)/Far East-Latin America Express (FLX) service connecting Shanghai, Busan, Lazaro Cardenas, Shanghai from 16 August 2024 The ALX4 service will turn in 42 days and will deploy up to 6 ships of 4,000 to 7,000 teu starting with the 7,164 teu ONE REPUTATION. The launch of the ONE/HMM service marks the 7th service connecting China to Mexico launched since May 2024. It follows the launch of the WSA5/TLP5 by COSCO/OOCL, M2X by CMA CGM,


ONE withdraws from Indamex

ONE will withdraw from the 2 India-North America Indamex services that is marketed as the India-East Coast Express (IEX) and India-East Coast Express 2 (IE2). Its last westbound sailings will be at Port Qasim on 24 May 2024 on IEX and 20 May 2024 on the IEX2. ONE will withdraw the 10,010 teu SEAPSAN BEACON from the IEX on 13 July 2024 that operates alongside 9 other ships operated by the Indamex partners CMA CGM, COSCO and Hapag-Lloyd that calls at Port Qasim, Nhava Sheva, Mundra, New York, Nor


COSCO takes slots on WIN service

COSCO has reached an agreement with ONE to purchase slots on the West India North America Express (WIN) service from 16 May 2024. COSCO will market the service as the India East Coast Express 2 (IPE2) and joins HMM as slot buyer on the new service that it markets as the India America Express (IAX), with each carrier taking 500 teu and 1,700 teu respectively per week, including 5o and 170 reefer slots each. ONE launched the service on 9 May 2024 on an extended routing through the Cape of Good


COSCO and ONE 1Q 2024 results

The first carriers to report 1Q 2024 financial results showed strong sequential improvements in earnings driven by higher average freight rates driven by the Red Sea crisis. However, earnings are down on a YoY basis, with carriers that have higher contract ratios reporting bigger YoY drop in earnings. Carriers’ top line revenue tracked below CCFI due in part to lagging revenue recognition with lower contracted rates from last year dragging down carriers’ average revenue gains. Liftings grew acr


THE Alliance revises PN2 after reinstatement of PN3 service

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) will revise the rotation of Asia-Pacific Northwest transpacific PN2 service following the reinstatement of the PN3 service on 19 April 2024. The new rotations of the affected services are as follows:- PN2 (revised from 10 April 2024) : Singapore, Laem Chabang, Cai Mep, Yantian, Tacoma, Vancouver, Tokyo, Kobe, Singapore. The service will turn in 9 weeks using 9 ships of 10,000 to 12,700 teu on a shortened rotation with eastbound calls


THE Alliance delays relaunch of EC4 all-water service

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) has announced the postponement of the Asia-US East Coast 4 (EC4/Suez1) service relaunch that was originally scheduled from 15 April 2024 after a 6 month suspension. The EC4/Suez1 was to deploy up to 13 ships of 13,000-14,000 teu with a new rotation calling at Kaohsiung, Xiamen, Yantian, Cai Mep, Singapore, Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston, New York, Singapore, Kaohsiung with the former call at Hong Kong omitted and divert from the Suez to


ONE replaces Florida Latin Express (FLX) with new partnership on CMA CGM & COSCO Americas XL/NEWS service

ONE has replaced its Florida Latin Express (FLX) service with a new FLX service through slots on CMA CGM/COSCO's Americas XL/North America East Coast-West Coast South America (NEWS) service. The 4 ships of 1,100 to 1,700 teu that ONE had formerly operated on the FLX has all been redeployed and have been replaced by the revised FLX service from 1 February 2024, with ONE purchasing 600 teu per week from CMA CGM on the Americas XL. The Americas XL/NEWS is currently operated by CMA CGM and COSCO u


HMM to take slots on ONE/Wan Hai AP1/AA3 service

HMM will take slots on the new ONE/Wan Hai AP1/AA3 transpacific service that will start on 8 May 2024. HMM will have a weekly slot allocation of 250 teu from ONE on the service that it will be marketed by both carriers as the AP1. The AP1/AA3 service will turn in 7 weeks with 7 ships of 7,000 to 13,400 teu, of which 5 ships will be operated by Wan Hai and 2 ships from ONE, and will call at Haiphong, Cai Mep, Shekou, Xiamen, Taipei, Ningbo, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Oakland, Shekou, Haiphong. The


Carriers playing catch-up will further tilt supply-demand imbalance

ONE announced an aggressive midterm plan on 19 March to grow its operated fleet to 3m teu by 2030 which represents a 66% growth from its current fleet of 1.8m teu, at an annualised growth rate of 10% a year. The plan entails capital investments of $25 Bn and a further $10 Bn in associated assets over the next 5 years, which could also include the transfer of some of the assets from its 3 shareholders (NYK, MOL and K Line). The move by ONE represents a belated attempt to regain market share, aft

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