

SITC launch new CVM2 service

SITC will launch a new China-Vietnam-Malaysia 2 (CVM2) service from 2 June 2024 calling at Shekou, Nansha, Kota Kinabalu, Qinzhou, Haiphong, Shekou. The service will turn in 14 days and deploys 2 ships, the 1,032 teu SITC PYOENGTAEK and 1,150 teu SITC RIZHAO.


Evergreen/IAL/Jinjiang/PIL/RCL launch China-India service

Evergreen, IAL, Jinjiang Shipping. PIL, RCL will jointly launch a new China-India service calling at Shanghai, Ningbo, Nansha, Singapore, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Port Klang, Singapore, Shanghai from 30 May 2024. The service will replace the existing service operated by IAL, Jinjiang, PIL and RCL that is branded as the China-Saigon-India / China Vietnam India / RCL Far East Madras 2 (CSI / CVI / RFM2). The revised service will omit the existing southbound and northbound calls at Ho Chi Minh Cit


Jin Jiang & Zhonggu launch China Vietnam Thailand (CVT) service

Jin Jiang Shipping and Zhonggu have launched a new China Vietnam Thailand (CVT) service calling at Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Ho Chi Minh City, Laem Chabang, Bangkok, Laem Chabang, Shekou, Shanghai from 30 April 2024. The CVT service will turn in 3 weeks and will deploy 3 ships of 1,800 teu starting with the 1,868 teu newbuilding MILD JASMINE from Jin Jiang at Shanghai on 30 April 2024, and followed by the 1,912 teu ZHONG GU HUANG HAI and ZHONG GU NAN HAI.


Unifeeder introduce new China Gulf Express (CGE/CGX/MGX/SGX1) in joint service with CUL, Milaha and Sinokor

Unifeeder, China United Lines (CUL), Milaha and Sinokor will jointly launch a new China-Middle East Gulf Express (CGE/CGX/MGX/SGX1) service from May 2024 calling at Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Jebel Ali, Shanghai. The CGE/CGX/MGX/SGX1 will turn in 35 days and deploys 5 ships of 2,400-3,000 teu starting from 20 May 2024. Unifeeder will operate 2 ships (the 3,006 teu CELCIUS ESSEN and CELSIUS EINDHOVEN), while CUL, Milaha and Sinokor will operate one ship each (the 2,518 teu ZHONG GU YING KOU, 2,8


IAL/WHL joins YM & TSL on Pan Asia Service (PAS)

Interasia Lines (IAL) has joined Yang Ming and TS Lines on the revised Pan Asia Service (PAS) as a vessel operator, with Wan Hai Lines (WHL) also taking slots on the service from 13 March 2024. The revised PAS calls at Moji, Hakata, Busan, Kwangyang, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shekou, Nansha, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Shekou, Xiamen, Moji with a new call at Ho Chi Minh City added on 31 March 2024. The PAS service turns in 3 weeks with 3 ships of 2,400 to 3,000 teu with Yang Ming, TS Lin


COSCO joins CNC on CP8 service

COSCO has joined CNC, the intra-Asia arm of CMA CGM, on the China Philippines 8 (CP8) service from 13 April 2024. COSCO will deploy 3,314 teu COLOMBO on the service to join the 2,782 teu CNC SERVAL on the service. The CP8 turns in 2 weeks and calls at Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Manila ( North and South), Fuzhou, Shanghai.


COSCO launch new Qinzhou-Thailand Service (QTS)

COSCO will launch a new Qinzhou-Thailand Service (QTS) calling at Laem Chabang, Qinzhou, Nansha, Shekou, Laem Chabang. The service will turn in 2 weeks and deploys 2 Bangkokmax ships starting with the 1,717 teu OLYMPIA at Laem Chabang on 23 April 2024. Qinzhou-Thailand Service (QTS) Port rotation


TSL and YM launch revised Japan-Taiwan-South China (JTK3)/Japan Kansai Express (JKX) service

TS Lines and Yang Ming have launched an updated Japan-Taiwan-South China (JTK3)/Japan Kansai Express (JKX) service that will call at Osaka, Kobe, Busan, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shekou, Xiamen, Osaka. The JTK3/JKX service will turn in 2 weeks and deploys 2 ships of 1,700-1,900 teu with TSL and YM each contributing one ship. The revised JTK3 started from Hong Kong on 16 March 2024 with the 1,909 teu TS GUANGZHOU and will be followed by the 1,803 teu YM INAUGURATION.


HMM shortens Tianjin to Philippines (TTP) service rotation

HMM has shortened the rotation of its Tianjin to Philippines (TTP) service to remove calls at Xingang, Dalian and Busan from March 2024. The revised TTP rotation will call at Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Kaohsiung, Manila, Qingdao on a 3 week rotation using 3 ships of 4,700 teu. The previous TTP was introduced in October 2023 to call at Busan, Dalian, Xingang, Qingdao, Busan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Kaohsiung, Manila, Busan on a 5 week rotation.


Maersk IA-5 rotation shortened

Maersk has revised the rotation of the Intra-Asia 5 (IA-5) service from 17 March 2024 to call at Shanghai, Busan, Moji, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Tanjung Pelepas, Thilawa, Yangon, Tanjung Pelepas, Muara, Tawau, General Santos, Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Shanghai. The revised IA-5 service will turn in 7 weeks and will deploy 7 ships of 1,700 teu. The rotation is shortened by 1 week compared to the previous service that called at Shanghai, Dalian, Incheon, Busan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Busan

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