

Preliminary Week 14 Utilization Data Jumped

Capacity utilization of all Inter-Regional trades and the 4 main east-west trades for vessels that have departed during the first 4 days of this week ( i.e. between 26 Mar and 29 Mar) moved up to level have not been seen since August last year. Although there has been week to week volatility, this set of data has been trending up since reaching a recent cycle low in week 5 of 2023. This 2-month up trend has to be looked at in connection with the sequential increase in capacity deployed into th


FE-WCNA utilization dropped below 70%

This week's preliminary FE-WCNA utilization data dropped below 70% for the first since we started tracking this data series in Q4 2020. These preliminary data only covered 3-days of this week, i.e. 13-15 Feb, where 11 vessels have left Far East to head to West Coast North America. Among the 11 vessels, the utilization level ranges from 44% to 88% but all except one were at or below 80%. The average utilization in this route have been around 83% over the last two years. Resumption of services


Alliances Help Fill Shipping Capacity

Services operated jointly i.e. by alliances usually enjoyed better utilization than the services operated independently by a single liner. Since 2020, utilization for alliance services have been 6% points better than the same for independent services. The utilization for the independently operated services tend to be more volatile. Wider sales network helps fill vessel capacity, we figure. The utilization gap narrowed since December 2020 was just due to diversion of capacity buildup where the

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