Spot Rates


SCFI dropped 3.6% WoW

SCFI spot rates to North Europe slipped marginally by 1% to $5,000/teu but further drops are expected with capacity utilization falling sharply last week. The 3 recently launched services by Hapag-Lloyd, CMA CGM and MSC sailed light while the other main Alliance services also recorded sub-par utilization compared to their recent performance. The gap between Med and North Europe rates have narrowed further, with the current Med premium falling to just $360/teu compared to a high of over $1,000/t


Overall SCFI Dropped While SCFI-Europe Held Up

The SCFI retreated last week by 1.6% after 14 consecutive weekly gains in a further sign that the market has peaked. While demand remains firm, supply has also risen with capacity injections most notably in the Indian subcontinent, Latin America and US West Coast routes where freight rates are the most lucrative currently. This has capped freight rate increases on those routes, but overall capacity utilisation remains tight, with rates still rising on the Asia-North Europe route as schedule disr


Spot Rates Continued Up But Cracks Appeared

SCFI rates to North Europe slipped back marginally after last week’s 12.5% gain with the 1 July rate increase still largely in place. Carriers are still pushing for a mid-July increase, with mixed views on whether this fresh round of rate hikes will stick. Capacity utilization has slipped in the last 2 weeks, with the launch of 3 new FE-North Europe services and bunching departures on 3 other strings adding some 100,000 teu of additional slots to the market. Slot availability will be down over


Spot Rates Up But On Slower Pace

SCFI spot freight rates to North Europe rose a further 3.8% last week, while rates to the Med were largely flat with a gain of just 0.1%. The tighter capacity and bottlenecks around Southeast Asia and North Europe ports have helped to narrow the rate gap between North Europe and Med which has shrunk to $500/teu compared to a peak of over $1,000/teu just 2 months earlier. Rates look set to continue to rise in July but the pace of the rate gains could slow as the recent capacity additions to Nort


Spot Rate Uptrend Continues

Fears over a container market correction sparked by the possible end to hostilities in the Middle East proved to be premature as Chinese freight futures regaining all of last Tuesday’s losses, with further gains still to come after the SCFIS recorded a 3rd straight week of double digit % gains. The introduction of 3 new North Europe strings by Hapag-Lloyd (CGX) in June, followed by MSC (Britannia) and CMA CGM (French Peak) in July has not dampened the rate momentum with the SCFI rising by 5.7%

Spot Rates

SCFI up 9.7% WoW

Transpacific spot rates rallied sharply last week ahead of the 1 May GRI with rates to the West Coast rising to $3,600/feu and East Coast rates reaching $4,600/feu. Several carriers are still pushing for additional increases that could bump rates past $4,000 and $5,000 respectively over the coming week. Capacity remains tight in May but additional capacity on the West Coast is expected in June which could ease some of the current rate pressure. OCEAN Alliance has suspended the NEU3/AUE7/FAL7 se


Asia-Europe rate futures rally on strong liquidity

Speculative traders returned to the CoFIF market last week with average trading volumes doubling compared to the week before. Prices for longer dated contracts for June 2024 through February 2025 rallied. The EC2406 and EC2408 contracts rose above 2,500 compared to the latest SCFIS index at 2,135, implying an expected increase of over 17% from current rate levels. Market conviction on the May rate hikes have strengthened with several carriers pushing for higher FAK rates backed by improved vess


Freight Rates Watch: Higher Contract Rates, GRI..

Transpacific contract rates for smaller BCOs are settling at the 1,600-1,700/feu level to the US West Coast, which are $200-400 higher than the rates done for larger BCOs. These rates are also 10-20% higher than average contract rates for the 2023-24 season but are substantially lower than current spot market rates of $2,800 to 3,100 per feu which will provide incentives for other BCOs to accept higher contract rates. Several carriers have filed for a fresh round of rate increases from 1 May o


Apr 1 GRI on the way

Transpacific rates continue to fall sharply, with increasing pressure on carriers to lower their contract rate offers. The gap between current spot rates and asking rates for the new 1 May 2024 contracts remain very wide, with the majority of contracts still not concluded. After failing to push through the 15 March GRI, carriers are also facing similar resistance to the 1 April GRI of $1,000-2,000/feu with the low market conviction that the hikes will stick. Although Transpacific freight volume


No for Mid March GRI

Spot freight rates tumbled for the 6th consecutive week as the SCFI shed a further 6% last week with more cuts still to come. Carriers failed to push through a mid-March rate increase, with hopes for an April rate hike also fading quickly. Transpacific rates continue to fall sharply, with both the West Coast and East Coast rates tumbling by more than 6% last week. There is still room for rates to fall, with  spot rates still 10-20% lower than the current SCFI assessments. Contract rate negotia

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