Saudi Arabia


Folk Maritime and CMA CGM to launch North Red Sea (NRS/NRX) service

Folk Maritime will team up with CMA CGM to launch a new North Red Sea (NRS)/North Red Sea Express (NRX) service from 9 April 2024. The NRS/NRX will call at Jeddah, Neom, Sokhna, Aqaba, Yanbu, Jeddah using 2 ships of 1,600-2,000 teu, starting with the Folk Maritime chartered 2,045 teu JIN SHUN HE, followed a week later by the 1,641 teu APL SAIPAN from CMA CGM. Folk Maritime is a new carrier established on 26 February 2024 in Riyadh to operate feeder and short sea services connecting ports in  S

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