Red Sea


Feedertech and X-Press Feeders launch new Jebel Ali Red Sea X-Press (JRX)

Feedertech and X-Press Feeders have introduced a new weekly Jebel Ali Red Sea X-Press (JRX) feeder service connecting Jebel Ali, Jeddah, Sokhna, Jeddah, Jebel Ali from 5 February 2023. The JRX service will present transshipment options via Jebel Ali for cargo to and from the India Subcontinent, Gulf and Asia, as well as to and from Sudan and Aden. The service will deploy turn in 21 days using 3 ships of 1,700-2,000 teu starting with the 2,015 teu AS ALVA and 1,714 teu OCEANA from Feedertech t

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