
MSC launch India to East Med service

MSC has launched a new INDIA TO EAST MED service connecting Abu Dhabi, Jebel Ali, Hamad, Jubail, Abu Dhabi, Karachi, Mundra, Hazira, King Abdullah Port, Alexandria, Tekirdag, Aliaga, Mersin, King Abdullah Port, Abu Dhabi. The service started from 8 December 2022 and deploys 5 ships of 4,400 to 8,800 teu. Port rotation of the new INDIA TO EAST MED


2M breakup will trigger more market disruptions

The 2M breakup will trigger another round of market instability as Maersk and MSC jostle for pole position on the East-West routes where they currently cooperate. While MSC will have sufficient new ship capacity by 2025 to fully replace Maersk’s current vessel contribution to the 2M network, an independent Maersk network will fall behind MSC, OCEAN Alliance and THE Alliance offerings. Maersk and MSC announced on 25 January 2023 the termination of the 2M alliance effective from January 2025. The


How MSC outplayed Maersk at their own game

The timeline of how Maersk was outmaneuvered by MSC culminating in the announcement on 25 January 2023 that the 2 carriers will terminate their 2M partnership in January 2025. Maersk and MSC capacity operated 2010-2025While Maersk dithered through strategic mis-steps including high profile flops such as Daily Maersk and TradeLens, MSC was resolute in building scale in its shipping business. Maersk had triggered the capacity race in 2011 when it ordered the first Triple-E ships but has been bea


Alliances Help Fill Shipping Capacity

Services operated jointly i.e. by alliances usually enjoyed better utilization than the services operated independently by a single liner. Since 2020, utilization for alliance services have been 6% points better than the same for independent services. The utilization for the independently operated services tend to be more volatile. Wider sales network helps fill vessel capacity, we figure. The utilization gap narrowed since December 2020 was just due to diversion of capacity buildup where the


MSC launch South Africa feeder to avoid Cape Town delays

MSC will launch a new Shosholoza Feeder service connecting Coega and Cape Town from 23 January 2023 with the 3,583 teu MSC ANUSHA III. The service is aimed to avoid delays at Cape Town that has suffered from severe congestion. Shosholoza Feeder service rotation



MSC started a Benin Feeder Service, another shuttle that uses 1,730 teu MSC RIONA running between Cotonou and Lome on weekly basis. The service has already started on 1 Dec at Lome. MSC RIONA was previously deployed in another West Africa feeder.



MSC has started DJIBOUTI EXPRESS, a shuttle that goes between Djibouti and King Abdullah Port with 1,438 teu MSC MALIN that has phased in on 7 December 2022 at Djibouti. MSC MALIN were previously running in a MSC Feedering Service that connect India and Pakistan.


MSC adds Turkey-North Africa-Portugal-Spain service

MSC has launched a new service that connects Turkey, North Africa, Portugal and Spain starting from 29 December 2022. The Turkey to North Africa service connects Mersin, Aliaga, Derince, Tekirdag, Algiers, Casablanca, Sines, Valencia, Algiers, Malta, Mersin using 4 ships of 1,100 teu that will turn in 28 days. The CONTSHIP OAK, MSC CHARLOTTE, MSC SIGMA F and MSC AZURIT F have been assigned for the first 4 voyages but MSC will be shuffling vessels on this service from its Med network. Turkey


MSC revises NWC to South Africa port rotation

MSC will revise the port rotation on its Northwest Continent to South Africa (NWC to South Africa) service with no additional ports added and the double call at Cape Town is dropped in order to enhance schedule reliability. The revised rotation will start from 9 January 2023 to call at Rotterdam, London Gateway, Antwerp, Hamburg, Le Havre, Sines, Las Palmas, Ngqura, Durban, Cape Town, Las Palmas, Rotterdam compared to the previous rotation that called London Gateway, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp


MSC introduces India-West Med service

MSC will launch a new India-West Med service connecting Abu Dhabi, Jebel Ali, Mundra, Nhava Sheva, Djibouti, Gioia Tauro, Genoa, Barcelona, Valencia, Salerno, Gioia Tauro, Marsaxlokk, King Abdullah, Jeddah, Abu Dhabi. The first sailings will depart from Abu Dhabi on 19 December 2022 with the 4,992 teu MSC SHANGHAI.

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