Market Pulse 2024 Week 08

Total 140 Posts


Market Pulse 2024 Week 13

Register Free Trial [] The global containership fleet has reached 29m teu last week as new vessel deliveries continued to enter the market at a brisk pace with close to 200,000 teu delivered over the past month compared to just 2,200 teu that was scrapped. Despite the rapid fleet growth, charter rates have continued to rise with carriers undeterred by the recent freight rate correction with several of them still eyeing market share growth.


Market Pulse 2024 Week 12

Register Free Trial [] Spot freight rates tumbled for the 6th consecutive week as the SCFI shed a further 6% last week with more cuts still to come. Carriers failed to push through a mid-March rate increase, with hopes for an April rate hike also fading quickly. Intra-Alliance rivalry remains in play, with THE Alliance to re-introduce 2 transpacific strings to the PNW and USEC in April, while ONE and Wan Hai forge a new partnership on the


Market Pulse 2024 Week 11

Register Free Trial [] Conflicting signals abound in a market looking for fresh directions, with freight rates continuing to slide as the SCFI dropped by 4.7% last week bringing the  cumulative decline to 15.8% since its January peak. However, charter rates continue to firm while second hand vessel prices are still rising as demand for tonnage remains high. The recent freight rate correction has not deterred new entrants, with another Chin


Market Pulse 2024 Week 10

Register Free Trial [] The freight rate correction gathered pace after carriers failed to defend their pre-Chinese New Year gains with the SCFI shedding 6.2% last week. Although the Red Sea dividend remain in play with spot rates still 96% higher compared to December last year, cargo demand has not rebounded sufficiently after the Chinese New Year holidays to provide rate support with carriers unable to mount a serious 1 March GRI attempt


Market Pulse 2024 Week 09

Register Free Trial [] The Red Sea crisis continues to drive the container market as the number of ships diverted to the Cape route hit a fresh high with no signs of abating. This will continue to create a capacity shortage across all routes, with the Cape diversions and incremental capacity needed to connect to Red Sea and Med ports already soaking up more than 7% of the global containership fleet. Freight rates retained most of the Janua


Market Pulse 2024 Week 08

Register Free Trial [] The bullish market sentiment has not been dampened by the Lunar New Year break with carriers still retaining most of their recent rates gains, defying the predictions of a post-holiday correction. Capacity is expected to remain tight in March due to the extended Red Sea diversions, with charter rates continuing to firm due to limited vessel availability. Unlike previous years when the idle fleet rises due to the post


Market Pulse 2024 Week 07

Register Free Trial [] Despite Maersk’s best efforts at painting a pessimistic picture for the container shipping market, rates have retained most of their recent gains heading into the post Chinese New Year slack period. The SCFI and CCFI indices are 117% and 28% higher compared to the same period last year, which will help to reverse the carriers’ massive 4Q losses. Maersk’s underperformance compared to its liner peers has become more gl


Market Pulse 2024 Week 06

Register Free Trial [] Freight rates remain firm as the market entered the last week before the Lunar New Year holidays, led by transpacific rate hikes on 1 February that pushed rates to the US West Coast 267% higher than the same period last year. The Red Sea diversions have absorbed all of the excess capacity in the market, with the supply of vessel space and box equipment expected to remain tight in the next 2 months. Although the marke


Market Pulse 2024 Week 05

Register Free Trial [] Spot freight rates have eased ahead of the Chinese New Year with the SCFI shedding 2.7% of its value last week, but average rates out of China are still rising as the CCFI rose by 8.9% with carriers able to consolidate their rate gains since the beginning of December. The composite CCFI has risen by 64% since over the last 8 weeks, guaranteeing bumper windfall gains for carriers in the 1st quarter of 2024 with carrie


Market Pulse 2024 Week 04

Register Free Trial [] The freight rate escalation has peaked as carriers look beyond the current Red Sea driven capacity shortage to the post-Chinese New Year slack. After 8 consecutive weekly hikes since the end of November that raised the SCFI by 126%, the weekly gains have slowed down. Despite a widely expected correction, freight rates are still expected to retain most of its recent gains after the Chinese holidays as the shortage of

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