Fleet Status


Active Fleet Highest As Demand Wanes

The active fleet has started to creep upwards and is now at their highest levels since 2020, reaching 17.7m teu on lower idling and drydocking positions as well as easing congestion in North America and Europe. The pick up in vessel scrapping has hardly made a dent on the overall supply of ships as it is limited to smaller ships. The delivery schedule for new ships is picking up as well, with over 2.5m teu of new capacity scheduled in 2023. The idle containership fleet continued to fall, with

Fleet Status

Idle Fleet Stays at Historical Low

The inactive fleet remains largely unchanged at 24 ships for 74,395 teu as at 24 July 2022,which is a historical low level for our data series dating back to 2008. 13 ships for 26,367 teu are idle or awaiting     phase in.  4 ships for 13,981 teu are Iranian owned ships. The idle ships list includes the Dioryx owned 4,398 teu MALIAKOS that have been idle since 26 April as the owners are still holding out for better charterer offers and the 9,403 teu JOSEPH SCHULTE that has been stuck at Odessa


Containership Capacity Watch

Active fleet steady in past week. More ships entered yards for retrofits, after 2-year delay on the extraordinary earning up cycle.


Fleet Status Monitor

The active containership fleet rebounded to 15.8m teu, 61% of total fleet, as at 1 May due to the improvement in the port congestion situation in China and the US over the past week, with less ships waiting at anchorages.

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