

OOIL 2Q 2024 top line underperformed on route mix

OOCL reported its 2Q operational update on 15 July. OOIL 2Q 2024 total revenue recorded 14% YoY and QoQ gains compared to the Taiwanese’s 47% YoY and 20% QoQ growth. Relative to the Taiwanese liners, OOIL has much higher mix in short haul Intra-Asia, Oceania and Transatlantic trades, which have not seen the same quantum of freight rates hike compared to the long-haul trades during 2Q 2024.


Earliest Liner 2Q 2024 Results Suggested Revenue Back to 4Q 2022 Level

Taiwanese liners reported their June revenue, which in aggregate were up 32% MoM and 78% YoY. On quarterly basis, these liners' top line were up 20% or $1b QoQ to over $6bn in aggregate. The last time these liners together earned over $6bn in revenue were back in 4Q 2022. The combined EBIT for these 3 liners were just $800mn in 1Q 2024. The $1bn QoQ jump in revenue, driven mainly by the spot freight rates uptick, may have doubled these liners' EBIT in our estimates.


ZIM 1Q 2024 results: Turned Around, Guided Strong 1H But Uncertain 2H 2024

Zim reported its first profitable quarter since 2022 with 1Q 2024 net profits reaching $90.2m and EBIT at $167m for an EBIT margin of 11%. Zim’s full year EBIT guidance was raised to between $0 to $400m from its previous projection of between -$300m to $300m although management cited continued market uncertainty in the second half for the wide range. Zim’s total liftings increased by 10% to reach 846,000 teu with Transpacific volumes rising by 27% while Asia-Med volumes dropped by 40%. Transp


Hapag-Lloyd 1Q 2024 Results

EBIT turned around in 1Q 2024 from 4Q 2023 losses on sequentially higher freight rates. Management lifted lower end of the EBIT guidance from negative $1bn to breakeven while keeping the upper end of the guidance unchanged at $1bn.


CMA CGM 1Q 2024 Results

EBIT turned around in 1Q 2024 from 4Q 2023 losses on sequentially higher freight rates and lower unit costs. Management outlook statement: "Uncertainties in the macro-economic and geopolitical environment could continue to cause fluctuations in the transport and logistics market, and weigh on its fluidity and seasonality. In addition, the commissioning of newbuild deliveries are expected to continue in excess of forecast demand, ultimately affecting the supply-demand equilibrium and, by exte


Liners' Caution Amid Turned Around Results Contrasts to Surging Spot Rates

Carriers earnings turned around from the losses in 4Q 2023 but EBIT earnings are still down YoY except for the carriers with higher spot and long-haul exposure. Aggregate average EBIT margin reached 8% with Asian carriers outperforming their European counterparts, apart from the Intra-Asia focused Wan Hai and contract heavy ONE which posted below-average results. Zim is the last carrier to publish its 1Q results which is due on 21 May 2024. Aggregated results for 9 carriers : CMA CGM, COSCO, E


Matson 1Q 2024 results

Matson’s 1Q 2024 earnings dropped sequentially on higher-than-average volume declines as China-US volume dropped 17% QoQ and 4% YoY due to a reduction in the number of voyages as well as lower vessel utilization. Although Matson continues to enjoy premium rates on its express transpacific services, its competitive edge has been eroded as port congestion on the US West Coast has been largely absent since 2023.


Maersk Line reported negative EBIT for 1Q

Maersk’s Ocean segment reported negative $161m EBIT for 1Q 2024, lagging well behind its peers which had all turned in positive results. Maersk fared poorly on its operating metrics with OPEX rising faster than its peers while volumes grew at a slower rate, resulting in smaller reductions in unit OPEX. Maersk Line also reported lower sequential average revenue gains compared to 4Q 2023, due to its higher contract mix and aggressive spot rate pricing. Maersk’s management raised the lower end of


COSCO and ONE 1Q 2024 results

The first carriers to report 1Q 2024 financial results showed strong sequential improvements in earnings driven by higher average freight rates driven by the Red Sea crisis. However, earnings are down on a YoY basis, with carriers that have higher contract ratios reporting bigger YoY drop in earnings. Carriers’ top line revenue tracked below CCFI due in part to lagging revenue recognition with lower contracted rates from last year dragging down carriers’ average revenue gains. Liftings grew acr


Early liners revenue report suggested EBIT turnaround to mid teen in 1Q 2024

The Taiwanese liners and OOIL have reported their top line results for 1Q 2024 between 10 April and 12 April (last week), being the first batch of operating updates from container liners for the period. The revenue for 1Q 2024 rebounded between 11% and 34% QoQ as expected but the rebound tracked below the CCFI’s 51% jump QoQ. Nevertheless, the top line rebound should move the liners’ EBIT margin to mid teen in 1Q. YMM being the liners with higher long haul spot exposure has delivered the higher

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