

Arkas/Turkon launch new Red Sea 1/Turkiye Red Sea Express (RS1/TRE)

Arkas and Turkon have jointly launched a new Red Sea 1 (RS1)/Turkiye Red Sea Express (TRE) service connecting Ambarli, Izmit, Aliaga, Jeddah, Aqaba, Ambarli from 15 June 2024. The RS1/TRE will operate weekly, turning in 14 days and deploys the 1,878 teu TURKON ISTANBUL from Turkon and 1,604 teu WANDA A from Arkas.


Arkas/EMES launch Spain Algeria Service (SAS)

EMES Feedering, the feeder operating arm of Arkas, has launched a new Spain Algeria Service (SAS) connecting Valencia, Algiers, Oran, Valencia from 15 February 2024 using the 698 teu ORION. The SAS service will turn in 10-14 days, with the call at Oran is omitted in the first 2 sailings. The Oran calls are scheduled to start from 13 March 2024.


Arkas and Evergreen launch North Africa feeder service

Arkas and Evergreen have teamed up to launch a new North Africa Express/North Africa (NAX/NAFR) service that connects Piraeus, Algiers, Valencia, Casablanca. The service will operate on a 20 days rotation using 2 ships with sailings every 10 days starting with the 1,164 teu UNI-ASSURE from Evergreen at Piraeus on 16 May 2023 and the 1,445 teu ROZA A from Arkas on 30 May.


Arkas and Evergreen launching NAX

Arkas and Evergreen are launching a new North Africa Express (NAX) that will call Piraeus, Algiers, Valencia, Casablanca, Piraeus on 21-day round trip. 1,164 teu UNI-ASSURE and 1,445 teu CORELLI will phase in at Piraeus on 14 May and 19 May respectively. This new service looks like an upgrade of the present Greece-Algeria service (GAS) operated by Arkas with 1,136 teu KRETAS that calls Piraeus, Algiers, Piraeus. KRETAS will be re-deployed to Arkas's Spain-Portugal-Tangier (SPT) at Piraeus on 1


Hapag-Lloyd/Arkas adds Dakar call on West Africa Express (WAX)/Europe Africa Service (EAS)

The North Europe-West Africa service jointly operated by Hapag-Lloyd/Arkas will be expanded to add a new southbound call at Dakar. The service is branded as the West Africa Express (WAX)/Europe Africa Service (EAS) respectively by Hapag-Lloyd and Arkas. The new rotation will start from 7 May 2023 and call at Antwerp, Le Havre, Tanger Med, Dakar, Tema, Abidjan, Tanger Med, Antwerp. The service turns in 4 weeks and deploys 3 ships of 4,250 teu from Hapag-Lloyd and one 2,500 teu ship from Arkas.


Arkas launches new service to Poti

Arkas launches Istanbul Poti Service (IPS) that rotates through Kumport, Ambarli, Poti, Kumport on 21-day round trip with one ship. The 1139 teu MARTINE A will phase on 22 March at Kumport. Until recently, MARTINE A has been deployed in Arkas's Tunis-Libya Service (TL)


Italia Maritima and Arkas launches GPM

Italia Maritima and Arkas are launching another revised East Med-Black Sea service called Greece Poti Marmara service(GPM) that will call Piraeus, Ambarli, Poti, Constantza, Piraeus. 1,445 teu CORELLI and 1,618 teu UNI-PHOENIX, both until recently have been active in the East Med routes, will be deployed to this service. CORELLI will phase in on Nov 5 at Piraeus and UNI-PHOENIX will be phased in on Nov 14 also at Piraeus.


Italia Maritima and Arkas Launching New East Med-Black Sea Service

Italia Maritima and Arkas are launching a revised East Med-Black Sea service called Greece Turkey West Black Sea Service (GTW) / Aegean-Bulgaria Express (ABX) that will call Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Piraeus, Haydarpasa, Constantza, Varna, Ambarli, Gebze, Piraeus. 1,445 teu ROZA A and 1,164 teu UNI-ASSURE, both until recently have been active in the East Med routes, will be deployed to this service. ROZA A will phase in on Nov 5 at Piraeus and UNI-ASSURE will be phased in on Nov 13 also at Piraeus.

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